BPA : Register as a Voter Now!

Members of the BPA deposited cards printed with the slogan “Fight for economic growth, protect people’s livelihood, register as voters” into mock ballot boxes. They also encouraged people to register as voters and to use their votes to restore order in the Legislative Council for the sake of Hong Kong’s economy and people’s livelihood.
Members of the BPA deposited cards printed with the slogan “Fight for economic growth, protect people’s livelihood, register as voters” into mock ballot boxes. They also encouraged people to register as voters and to use their votes to restore order in the Legislative Council for the sake of Hong Kong’s economy and people’s livelihood.

In anticipation of the District Council Election to be held later this year, the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) will be organising a series of voter registration campaigns to urge eligible members of the public to register as voters. The BPA kicked off the voter registration campaign in Kwai Fong today (May 1) as a prelude to further events to be held over the coming months.

Members attending the launch ceremony included Dr Lo Wai-kwok, BPA Vice Chairman; Dr Priscilla Leung Mei-fung, BPA Legislative Councillor; Mr Alan Lee Chi-keung, BPA Kwai Tsing District Councilor; Ms Tam Wai-chun, BPA Kwai Tsing District Councilor; Mr Wong Yiu-chung, BPA Kwai Tsing District Councilor; and Mr Thomas Cheung Tsun-yung, BPA Regional Affairs Convener.

Dr Lo and Dr Priscilla Leung led BPA colleagues in chanting, “Fight for economic growth, protect people’s livelihood, register as voters”, while inviting passersby to sign up as electors.

Dr Lo pointed out that in addition to the District Council Election this year there will also be the Legislative Council (LegCo) Election next year. He urged people to register as voters in order to exercise their civil rights and fulfil their civic responsibilities.

As the LegCo representative for the Engineering constituency, Dr Lo added that filibustering in LegCo had become increasingly common. This has had a knock-on effect on slowing down the pace of development for important infrastructure projects, which has in turn adversely impacted the engineering sector and people’s livelihood. He appealed to people to submit their applications to vote and to exercise their votes to restore normality in LegCo by sending a strong message to those Legislative Councilors responsible for delaying infrastructure development.

Dr Priscilla Leung said that the illegal Occupy Movement had harmed many businesses, disrupted society and damaged the economy. She said that in the interest Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability people should, “Use their votes to express discontent with those who are intent on creating chaos and undermining universal suffrage!”

She pointed out that about 330,000 voters had been disqualified by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) over the past three years due to such reasons as forgetting to notify the REO on changes in residential address or failing to respond to enquiry letters issued by the REO because of time spent abroad. She reminded the public to log onto the Online Voter Information Enquiry System to check whether they were a registered voter and to re-register as necessary.

Eligible voters who wish to vote at the District Council Election this year have to submit their applications on or before July 2. The BPA will assist eligible persons to register and submit applications to the REO before the statutory deadline so that their names can be included in the final register of electors, which will be published on September 25, and to vote at the District Council Election later this year.

Registered voters who may wish to update their residential address or other personal information can either seek the BPA’s assistance or do so themselves by August 25. The BPA will also assist in voter registration through the setting-up of ad hoc street stands by the various District Councilor offices.

Dr Lo Wai-kwok, BPA Vice Chairman (first right), and Dr Priscilla Leung Mei-fun (second right) explained to people the voter registration procedures.
Dr Lo Wai-kwok, BPA Vice Chairman (first right), and Dr Priscilla Leung Mei-fun (second right) explained to people the voter registration procedures.


Dr Lo, BPA Vice Chairman (first right), and Dr Pricilla Leung urged people to register as voters.
Dr Lo, BPA Vice Chairman (first right), and Dr Pricilla Leung urged people to register as voters.