
香港經濟民生聯盟去年籌組成立時,有人問我:「經民聯代表的是什麼?保守、中間偏左,還是中間偏右的力量?」 我說:「我們支持一國兩制,擁護香港核心價值,希望推動香港長遠及持續的發展。我們一班朋友都堅信,經濟就是政治的核心,民生就是民主的基礎」,所以商討後我們選定了「香港經濟民生聯盟」為組織的名稱,並以「工商帶動經濟、專業改善民生」為口號。 參與政黨,組織政治平台,我並非新手,但今次出任「香港經濟民生聯盟」主席,不是沒有半點猶豫。我問自己:在這個是非、價值顛倒的紛亂世代,香港是否值得有另一個選擇?市民是否值得有另一個選擇?梁君彥能肩負這個重任嗎?會令支持者失望嗎? 我知道這份工作不易為!不過,我認為,若然有一班志同道合的朋友,大家都願意搭建這個平台,大家都願意為理性、公義而發聲,未嘗試便放棄太可惜,也不應該,所以我決定與經民聯其他成員携手開拓未來的路。 政治組織的工作要做得深,做得廣,我們就要廣納賢能,吸引有志服務香港的精英,以及來自不同階層想服務香港的人士。我們需要的並非一班問香港可以為你做些甚麼的人,而是一班會自問可以為香港做些甚麼的朋友。現時,我們的隊伍正慢慢地茁壯成長,隊中有來自專業、工商、金融界的朋友,大家都期望透過這個平台發揮最大的能量,為香港、為市民做事。 經民聯未來亦會致力培育更多政治人才,不單只推薦給政府,更重要是為聯盟培訓領導班子,做好接班工作,走入群眾,為將來的選舉做好準備。 我們期望你對三個多月大的經民聯繼續多加指正,多給意見。我們會虛心聆聽你們的意見,將你的意見化為動力,與大家同步向前,為我們的家,我們的香港努力。   香港經濟民生聯盟主席梁君彥

Inauguration Ceremony of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) was held today (18 Dec) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive, the Honorable Mr. Leung Chun-ying, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, the Honorable Mr. Lin Wu and over one hundred guests attended the event to celebrate the birth of the Alliance.

Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, chairman of the Alliance, noted in the ceremony, “Ever since Hong Kong reverted to the motherland 15 years ago, the interests of the city have been well cared for and protected by the Central Government. Meanwhile, we are faced with unstoppable technological advancements, the deepening of the US-European economic crisis, the worsening of the international political and economic situations and a globalised economy. Being bombarded by these changes and challenges, Hong Kong’s ability to adapt and innovate is constantly tested. The cacophony of populist rhetoric has smothered the voice of reason.”

“The establishment of the Hong Kong Business and Professionals Alliance is precisely timed to tackle the challenges of this period. A group of friends and I deeply believe that the economy is at the core of politics and people’s livelihood is the foundation of democracy in any society. No matter how fierce and intense a conflict is, ultimately we still need to reach a consensus.

Like everyone else, the Hong Kong Business and Professionals Alliance loves Hong Kong. Our members embrace and cherish its core values. We have our eyes on not only today or tomorrow but also the future that will affect our children and future generations. We are concerned about the Hong Kong of the next 10, 20 years and beyond.” Mr. Leung said.

Council chairman of the Alliance Dr. Peter Lam also shared his thoughts with the guests in the ceremony. “Hong Kong is my home. Hong Kong belongs to the seven million people here. Managing and nourishing our homeland is the honorable duty and right of every citizen. Upholding the “One country” principle and respecting the differences between the “Two systems” are our guidelines in constructing a better Hong Kong.”

The advisory board of the Alliance gathered together a number of celebrities from the business and professional sectors to work together for Hong Kong’s future development. Practical and specific recommendations on various social issues will be addressed and participation and influence in policy formulation will also be strengthened.

Looking ahead, the Alliance will take the initiative to invite like-minded friends to join; conduct policy research to support the work of councilors at all levels. In addition, the Alliance will expand its service scope to outreach into the community to strive for the support of the general public. With a common will and faith, the Alliance will not step back from contradictions and difficulties, but move towards a share goal to create a new political pattern and an ideal social environment for Hong Kong.

The logo of the Alliance reflects precisely this belief. The square outline of the logo symbolizes our society, whilst the space in white signifies the power of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong. By consolidating the efforts from various sectors, with vigor and power, the alliance will mobilize the development of our society.

The Alliance was established in October this year. Members include seven LegCo members (Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung, Lau Wong-fat, Abraham Shek Lai-him, Chris Cheung Wah-fung, Lo Wai-kwok and Priscilla Leung Mei-fun), numerous district councilors and elites from the professional and business sector, who have long been involved in community work with a common goal. With a motto of “Business drives economy; Professionalism improves livelihood”, BPA wishes to work for the well being of Hong Kong people and create a solid foundation for our next generation.

BPA Inauguration Ceremony – Speech by Dr.Peter Lam, Chairman of the Board of Governors

BPA Inauguration Ceremony – Speech by Mr. Andrew Leung, Chairman of BPA