BPA’s response to the 2014/2015 Budget: Pragmatic and Forward-Looking

BPA endorses the Budget for being pragmatic and forward-looking, which will eventually enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

The Financial Secretary, Mr. John Tsang, in his Budget today highlighted for the first time the potential structural deficit. He also proposed a series of initiatives to strengthen Hong Kong’s competitiveness in several sectors. BPA endorses the Budget for being pragmatic and forward-looking, which will eventually enhance our competitiveness. The Budget aligns with BPA’s theme of the year – ‘Creativity and Upward Mobility-Brightening Hong Kong’s Future.’

Speech – Improving property management and operation of owners’ corporations (Priscilla Leung)

President, there is this old saying that “the ancients who wished to order well their states, they first regulated their families”. In ancient times, one must manage to govern a prefecture or county well before he could run a state properly. In present-day Hong Kong, communities must be managed properly before social stability can be achieved, and in order for … Read more

Speech – Improving property management and operation of owners’ corporations (Lo Wai-kwok)

President, there are many very specific matters in property management, even to the extent of being trivial. But they are closely related to the people and the question of whether or not they can live comfortably. As the saying goes, nothing can be called trivial when it comes to matters of people’s livelihood. I think that this motion proposed … Read more