BPA’s response to the 2015/2016 Budget: “Develop the Economy, Assist SMEs, and Give the Middle Class a pleasant surprise”

The Financial Secretary, Mr John Tsang Chun-wah, today (25 February) unveiled a whole raft of measures in his 2015-16 Budget, which is aimed at boosting economic development, and assisting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), middle class families, as well as the grassroots. The Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) welcomes the Budget, which it regards as being comprehensive, forward-looking and conducive to social stability.

BPA’s response to the 2014/2015 Budget: Pragmatic and Forward-Looking

BPA endorses the Budget for being pragmatic and forward-looking, which will eventually enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

The Financial Secretary, Mr. John Tsang, in his Budget today highlighted for the first time the potential structural deficit. He also proposed a series of initiatives to strengthen Hong Kong’s competitiveness in several sectors. BPA endorses the Budget for being pragmatic and forward-looking, which will eventually enhance our competitiveness. The Budget aligns with BPA’s theme of the year – ‘Creativity and Upward Mobility-Brightening Hong Kong’s Future.’

BPA’s Response to the 2014 Policy Address

In his concluding remark for of the Policy Address, the Chief Executive stressed that it was “imperative to pursue people’s livelihood and the economy in tandem”. This is a belief that is, to a large extent, shared by the BPA. It is however disappointing to note that the reference to economic development is not sufficiently reflected in the contents of the Policy Address, namely, the strategies for economic development are fragmented and piecemeal while the needs of the middle class and SMEs, who are the major contributors to Hong Kong’s economy, have been overlooked.

Speech – Resumption of Second Reading – Appropriation Bill 2013 (Abraham Shek)

Deputy President, in this city, where rationalism is playing second fiddle to populism, we need to learn the art of distinguishing between political illusions and economic realities. A case in point, the Policy Address points to the direction of illusionary utopia path, but the Budget brings us back to economic reality. Deputy President, the Budget delivered by the Financial … Read more

Speech – Resumption of Second Reading – Appropriation Bill 2013 (Jeffrey Lam)

President, this Budget carries the style of managing public finances with prudence which the Financial Secretary has adopted all along. However, as Hong Kong is currently affected by the unstable external economic environment, high inflation and exorbitant rents, many enterprises and members of the public are under tremendous pressure. I hope the Government can make proper use of the reserves … Read more

Speech – Resumption of Second Reading – Appropriation Bill 2013 (Andrew Leung)

President, the first Budget of the current-term Government announced by the Financial Secretary in February was, as expected by the public, devoid of any pleasant surprises. The public finance principles of the Financial Secretary have always tended to be pragmatic and conservative. Besides, global economy is still under the impact of the financial crisis in … Read more

BPA responds to Budget 2013

Proposals of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), help the middle class and care for people’s livelihood have found their way to the Hong Kong’s Budget 2013 unveiled by the Financial Secretary, Mr John Tsang, today (February 27). Among the measures are profits tax rebates … Read more

BPA gives proposals on Policy Address and the Budget

A group of Legislative Council members from the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) today (November 22) met with the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, and the Financial Secretary, Mr John Tsang, to present the Alliance’s proposals on the Policy Address and the Budget of Hong Kong 2013. Speaking after the meeting, … Read more