Question – Disruption of railway services (Lau Wong-fat)

It has been reported that train services were disrupted for several times last year due to malfunctioning, and quite a number of passengers were late for school or work due to delay in their journeys. Recently, such failure incidents have occurred more frequently. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it has considered appointing an independent committee or rail transport consultant to conduct a comprehensive study on the operational problems of the railways in Hong Kong, including…

BPA First Anniversary Dinner

BPA members and the officiating guests share a toast to the BPA’s bright future.

The Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) held its First Anniversary Dinner today (17 December). Mr John Tsang, Acting Chief Executive, and Mr Shen Chong, Director General of the Coordination Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, attended as the officiating guests.

Question – Procurement procedures of Hospital Authority (Lau Wong-fat)

It has been reported that the mainland authorities have conducted investigations into the alleged use of means such as hospitality, etc. by foreign-funded pharmaceutical manufacturers to entice healthcare personnel into prescribing to patients pharmaceuticals made by the pharmaceutical manufacturers concerned. It has also been reported that some healthcare personnel on the Mainland accepted money from milk powder companies for distributing their formula products to new-born babies so that the babies will get used to taking the formula products of such brands. Some members of the public have relayed to me their concern about the aforesaid situation happening in local healthcare institutions…

Question – Crimes in relation to social networking on Internet (Lau Wong Fat)

Making acquaintances on the Internet has become increasingly common. It has been reported that there is an increasing number of lawbreakers who made female acquaintances (with quite a number of them being underage girls) through social networking websites, then swindled and threatened them, and even sexually assaulted them.